Women’s suffrage came into force in 1975, which brought about women’s active rights to vote and passive right to vote, this means that women were able to vote and stand for elections respectively.i To date no woman has been elected Prime Minister or President.
The Gabon Constitution and Law provide for the right to change their government peacefully, and citizens to partially exercise their right in practice through period and generally fair elections. [1]. The people of Gabon, Sub-Saharan Africa sixth largest oil producer head to the polls on 17 December 2011 to vote in Legislative Elections.[2] .
As Cote d’Ivoire slowly recovers from the violent political struggle that ensued after the presidential elections in December 2010 it prepares to hold legislative elections in 205 districts on December 11, 2011.
"We support a woman's right to education, to employment, even to become a Member of Parliament or government minister - but not to occupy the position of national sovereign”. Essam al-Arian, vice-president of the Justice and Freedom Party (JFP), the Muslim Brotherhood political arm[i].
The Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) historic presidential and legislative elections are scheduled for November 28 2011. The last presidential and legislative elections took place in 2006, making such elections every five years.
Nearly 800,000 registered voters in The Gambia are expected to have gone to the polls on Thursday 11/24/11 to cast their ballots through the West African country in the presidential elections in polls tipped to hand incumbent Yahya Jammeha fourth term at the helm of the tiny tropical state which he is accused of ruling through fear and repression for 17 years. i
Since the elections in Tunisia all eyes are now on both Egypt and Morocco. The legislative elections that took place on November 25th in Morocco are noteworthy because they are the first in the history of the country.
The presidential election in Cameroon was held on 9 October 2011. For the first time in Cameroon, Two Women Edith Kabbang Walla known as Kah Walla and Esther Dang were contending in a presidential election.