Source: Front Page Africa

Cervical Cancer accounts for more than 40 percent of all women suffering from cancer in the world and about two-thirds of cancer deaths. In Liberia, it is the most common cancer affecting women aged 15 – 44, says Joyce Killikpo, Executive Director of Public Health Initiative of Liberia, PHIL – a local non-for-profit organization working to curb the medical condition that remains a serious menace for women across the world.


Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Dozens of HIV-positive South African women have been sterilised without consent or after being pressured to agree just before giving birth, sometimes being told while in pain on their way to the operating theatre, a report published on Monday found.


In Kenya, one million girls miss school each month because they cannot afford sanitary pads, while some share used ones.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Dakar — Dozens of Senegalese start-ups have launched in recent years, though many have struggled to grow

Source: New Zimbabwe 
WOMEN face unique challenges that hinder their access to energy services and have negative impacts on the economy, a top regional gender advocate has said.

Source: Inter Press Service

The global gender community will meet in New York in March to review progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the 25 years since the Beijing declaration. The theme for this year’s Commission on the Status of Women gathering is Generation Equality, emphasizing how the current generation must close the gender gap. 

Source: Daily Monitor

Police officers and residents of Mbale Municipality have a reason to smile following the commissioning of a Shs500m maternity facility at Mbale Police Health Centre III.
The maternity ward, which was commissioned at the weekend by the Uganda Police Force medical team, donors and Mbale District local government, was constructed by World Vision Uganda in partnership with Health Initiatives in the Workplaces Activity (HIWA).

Source: The Herald
The Zimbabwean woman, who was quarantined at Wilkins Hospital’s specialised unit in Harare yesterday for a suspected case of Coronavirus (COVID-19), had tests coming out negative last night, which means the country is yet to record any case of the disease.

Source: Daily Nation 

The Global Fund — the agency that helps Kenya fight HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria — has given the country Sh42 billion to be used up to 2024.
The organisation’s suggestions to Kenya on how to improve the programmes are supported by experts.

Source: Front Page Africa

MONROVIA Diaspora Women for Change, Inc., DWC, in collaboration with Alliance for Liberian Women International launched a gender-based violence awareness skit on February 14, 2020 on Hot FM, 107.9. The skit brings awareness of the negative effects of violence against women and children and promotes a healthy relationship that consists of positive communication, mutual respect, and non-threatening/violence behavior.

Source: GroundUp
“We buy in the same shops, we pay the same transport, so we must be treated like all workers and get the same minimum wage,” says domestic worker Pinky Mashilane, founder of United Domestic Workers of South Africa.

Source: New Zimbabwe

The government is committed to implementing a gender policy that will see more women occupying key decision-making positions, the Public Service Commission (PSC) chairperson Tsitsi Choruma has said.

Source: The New Humanitarian
Women and girls are disproportionately affected by climate change. We must be relentless in our collective fight against inequality and patriarchy.

Source: UN Women
More than 150 women from various sectors, including women politicians, civil servants, entrepreneurs, civil society, women living with disabilities, rural women, young girls and women in the media gathered at the Mont Febe Hotel in Yaoundé to take part in the launch of the Cameroon branch of African Women Leaders Network AWLN.

Source: Premium Times

A new survey has shown that only 34 per cent of Nigerians use condoms for sex.
The survey, titled ‘Condom accessibility and use in Nigeria’ was carried out by NOIpolls, in partnership with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) and AIDS HealthCare Foundation (AHF).

Source: Daily Nation 
Millicent Kagonga, 29, goes about her chores in the small but tidy one-roomed house she shares with her two children and her sister in Nairobi’s Kariobangi estate.

Source: African Union
As the African Union (AU) dedicates year 2020 to accelerate action and efforts towards ending all wars, civil conflicts, gender-based violence and prevention of genocide, the role of African women and girls has been emphasized as an integral part of the implementation of the master roadmap to silence the guns in Africa.

Source: SAnews
South Africa’s agenda during its African Union (AU) chairship will focus on women’s financial and economic inclusion, gender-based violence and accountability to global gender commitments.

Source: UN News

Pledging to end the gender imbalance in science, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his  message for the Day that “dismantling gender stereotypes” was an essential step.

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