Source: Reuters Africa
The EU's foreign affairs chief called on Saturday for Libya to ensure gender equality is protected in law and deed as the country transitions towards democracy, and said the European Union would continue to support that goal.

Source: Daily Trust
The Business and Professional Women of Nigeria has concluded plans to hold a national conference for about 250 active participants of the group, who are expected to come from all over Nigeria and Africa.

Source: The Nation
A non-governmental organisation, Awesome Treasure Foundation (ATF) has trained over 5000 women in such skills as baking, bead-making and several other low-capital jobs.

Source: The Standard
FATMA ANYANZWA, 64, made it to the headlines in the early 1990s for her tenacious fight against rape. She founded the first anti-rape organisation in Kenya and bore the brunt of standing in the frontline against rape and assault. She spoke to NJOKI CHEGE.

Source: IPS
Dedicated efforts by women's rights advocates are bearing fruit, UN Women says: for example, two-thirds of the world's countries now have legal provisions to stop domestic violence.

Source: Joy Online
An educationist is encouraging Ghanaians, especially, police to pay more attention to tackling sexual abuse and other domestic violence issues.

Source: IPS
The 11 candidates contesting presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo all pledge to improve peace and security in the country - promises received with varying degrees of scepticism by Congolese voters.

Girls who complete their education are likely to have fewer children than their girls who leave during primary school, according to various studies. "When you educate a woman, you educate a nation," says Kalunde, whose foster child was thrown out of her rural school and her home after becoming pregnant.

Source: IRIN
Deteriorating security, a culture of impunity and an increase in attacks on internally displaced people (IDPs) in the central Somali town of Galkayo, Mudug region, have resulted in a sharp increase in rape cases, gender activists told IRIN.

Source: AWID
The Maputo Protocol is a ground-breaking women’s rights legal instrument that expands and reinforces the rights provided in other human rights instruments. The Protocol provides a broad range of economic and social welfare rights for women. Importantly it was produced by Africans and pays attention to the concerns of African women.

Source: The Citizen
Global efforts to attain gender equality and empower women seem to be failing, with a new study indicating that more people in developing countries approve the beating of women.

Source: The New Times
The President of World Bank, Bob Zoellick, has praised Rwanda's efforts to economically empower women.

Source: The Mail & Guardian 
For 15 years Thato Serite has made her living as a prostitute along Botswana's busiest highway, hired by truckers plying the main route to South Africa.

Benin — APART from Libya where an all female soldiers were said to have provided security for slain Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gaddafi, in Edo State, it has become a common sight by commuters seeing female drivers at the State owned Edo Intra-City bus, otherwise known as the "COMRADE BUS".

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was confirmed the victor of a run-off poll boycotted by the opposition, and vowed to reach out to her opponents and reconcile the divided nation.

Source: IPS
Deputy Chief Justice of Kenya’s Supreme Court Nancy Baraza, who made history as the first woman appointed to the post, has begun overhauling the country’s judiciary.

Source: All Africa
El Geneina — Renowned women's activist Safa Al Aqib tells Radio Dabanga that Darfur won't flourish without uplifting women

Source: The Chronicle
Thousands of women were last Friday taken through an extensive breast cancer screening exercise at Bechem, in the Tano South district, as part of this year's Breast Cancer Awareness celebration.

Source: Vanguard
President Goodluck Jonathan has ordered immediate evacuation of no fewer than 100 Nigerians trafficked out of Nigeria who are now stranded in Mali.

Source: 2merkato
Ethiopian woman entrepreneur, Samrawit Moges, was honored, as one of a 100 women from across the globe, with inspirational achievements. The award, organized by The International Alliance for Women, was held in Washington DC on the 27th of October.

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