Source: Mail & Guardian Online
The police say the advertising of illegal and dangerous backstreet abortions isn't their problem -- it's a matter for the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), because it's similar to "selling a car".

Source: UN WOMEN
I used to sell fish under the trees, and carry fish on my head. I would wake up at 4am to walk a long distance to buy fish from the fishermen. Now I sleep and wake up normal hours, and have my tea before the Captain comes. I never thought I would have time to sleep, eat, work and rest like this!”

Source: Information Nigeria
I should have known that ambition and success were not to be expected in an African woman. An African woman should be a good African woman whose qualities should be coyness, shyness, submissiveness, incompetence and crippling dependency. A highly educated independent African woman is bound to be dominant, aggressive, uncontrollable, a bad influence.”
Professor Wangari Mathaai (1979) right after the collapse of her marriage with Mwangi Mathai

 Empowering female farmers in developing countries is crucial to solving the world’s food problems as an era of food price spikes looms, the chair of a panel which advises governments and donors on agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa told Reuters.

Source: IRIN
The turmoil in northern Mali is thwarting efforts to treat and prevent obstetric fistula, say health experts and local NGO workers.

Source: New Vision
A total of 320 women in Mbarara were on Saturday screened and tested for breast and cervical cancer at Mbarara referral hospital in western Uganda.

Source: The New Times
A report compiled by Turkish lawmakers has identified Rwanda as having one of the best constitutions in regard to gender equality worldwide.

Source: Times of Zambia
INSPECTOR-GENERAL of Police, Stella Libongani, says the command will deal firmly with police officers who allegedly impregnated 30 pupils at Limulunga High School in Western Province in January last year.

Source: VOA
Despite the large role women play in agriculture in the developing world, experts say they continue to face discrimination, gender inequality and a lack of access to credit. A global partnership is campaigning to secure rights for women farmers.

Empowering female farmers in developing countries is crucial to solving the world's food problems as an era of food price spikes looms, the chair of a panel which advises governments and donors on agricultural development in Sub-Saharan Africa told Reuters.

Source: ANGOP
The Angolan women assumed prominent role in national politics since the beginning of the country's liberation struggle, said the MP of National Assembly, Emilia Carlota Dias.Speaking to Angop, the MP, who holds the post of second secretary of Parliament table, explained that during the guerrilla there were women who played active role in battlefield tasks.

The MP of National Assembly (Parliament) Emilia Carlota Dias urged the political parties to increase the number of women in the lists they submit to the legislative elections, aimed at greater gender representation in decision-making organs.Speaking to Angop, the MP, who also holds the post of second secretary of Parliament table, recalled that only the ruling MPLA and UNITA opposition parties have female participation in their parliamentary groups.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today marked the 101st International Women's Day by calling on media organisations to end the persisting gender pay gap in journalism.

Source: The Independent
On March 19, the "Faces of Climate Change-the gender perspective" documentary which points out the plight of men and women in extreme weather events like heavy rains, droughts and landslides was launched.

At a meeting conducted under the organization of the Health Ministry and NUEW in Gash-Barka region, the sub-zonal and Area administrators in the region emphasized that there is a need to combat harmful traditional practices which cause psychological and health problems to women.

Source: Public Agenda
The adoption of the United Nation Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security by international community, marked one of the greatest achievements at the dawn of the new millennium.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN have been called upon to go out and challenge discrimination, claim their rights, and transform their societies instead of waiting to be favoured.

Source: Daily Maverick
When 16-year-old Amina Filali was raped, she probably wasn't expecting to be married to her rapist only a few months later. But thanks to an archaic Moroccan law and a tradition of shaming rape victims rather than perpetrators, that's exactly what happened. Amina eventually killed herself - but her desperate act might be just enough to force Morocco into some very necessary reforms.

Source: The New Vision
A total of 320 women in Mbarara were on Saturday screened and tested for breast and cervical cancer at Mbarara referral hospital in western Uganda.

Source: RFI
Liberian journalist Mae Azango has been forced into hiding after publishing an article in the Liberian daily Front Page Africa on the practice of female genital cutting or excision in the country. Azango, a New Narratives fellow talks to RFI's Laura-Angela Bagnetto about her experience.

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