Source: The Star 
Kanu's Sarah Talaso Bonaya is the only Kenyan MP out of the nine who served in the second EALA to make a return to the regional parliament during yesterday's election. Talaso received 125 votes, the highest tally of the day, making a rare history of being the first Kenyan to serve at the regional parliament for two consecutive terms.

Source: Zimbabwe Independent
ZIMBABWEAN women involved in politics and civil society have warned against holding elections without creating a peaceful environment for free and fair polls. They argue that it will have disastrous consequences for them and expose the vulnerable girl child to gross human rights violations including harassment, rape and displacement.

Source: Daily News
South Africa on Thursday presented its second report on its general human rights record to the UN, generally getting high marks from its peers for its progress in the rights of its people, but with a number of concerns raised.

Source: AllAfrica
The 5th Eastern Africa Reproductive Health Network ((EARHN) summit held has condoned cultural beliefs in the region which have impeded the implementation of Family Planning initiatives on a wider scale.

Source: New Security Beat
USAID’s new Global Health Strategic Framework, Better Health for Development, lays out the agency’s major health priorities for the next five years. “Core global health priorities” include reducing maternal mortality, ensuring child survival and nutrition, fostering an “AIDS free generation,” and fighting infectious diseases. Family planning and reproductive health is listed as a key area for bilateral engagement.

Source: IOL News
Thousands of girls are falling pregnant each year and the latest report paints a grim picture of how pupils become mothers at an early age.

Source: AllAfrica
Wau — The United Nations Mission in South Sudan in Western Bahr El Ghazal State on Tuesday joined the worldwide peacekeepers' anniversary which is celebrated annually on 29th May.

Source: Concord Times
Fatimah Zahra is the daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and true Muslims all over the world usually pay glowing tribute to her like I have done in this article.

Source: IPS 
The Traditional Courts Bill currently under discussion in South Africa's parliament and due to be enacted by the end of 2012 could undermine the basic rights of some of the country's most vulnerable inhabitants: the 12 million women living in remote rural communities across the country.

Source: Rwanda Focus
Since the last parliamentary elections, Rwanda has been the first country in the world where women hold a majority in one of the chambers of parliament - with 56% in the chamber of deputies. There are also a good number of top female officials in the executive, whether as Ministers or heads of institutions.

Source: Nyasa Times
President Joyce Banda on Wednesday laid a foundation stone for Maternity Waiting Home and launched the Presidential Initiative on Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood in Mulanje with a resolve to gallantly fight against the alarming maternal deaths in Malawi.

Source: Health-e
Almost 5 000 women died while pregnant or within 42 days of giving birth in South Africa between 2008 and 2010, more than in any of the previous years.

Source: The Inquirer
Under the auspices of the Angie Brooks International Centre for Women's Empowerment, Leadership Development, International Peace and Security, the Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia, RE. Olubanke King-Akerele today launch her book entitled: “Women's Leadership in Post Conflict Liberia My Journey”.

Source: The Guardian
The UK's stand against sexual violence in conflict is positive, but the importance of gender expertise needs to be recognised.

Source: Independent Online
Showing that women in Libya can be much more than just sexy bodyguards or accessories to murder, women are dipping into politics in the hope of drafting a constitution which protects their rights.

Source: Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced a UK initiative on preventing sexual violence in conflict later today.

Source: IPS
Gertrude Mkoloi earns a living harvesting maize on a small piece of land in rural Zimbabwe. Or at least she used to.

Source: IPS
Three years ago, the African Union began a continent-wide campaign to reduce the number of women who die when pregnant or giving birth.

Source: The Guardian
Black Diamond has never met Charles Taylor, but she still calls the day the former Liberian president was sentenced for crimes against humanity the happiest of her life. On Wednesday, Taylor is expected to be sentenced for his crimes and the 30-year-old former female rebel leader who fought against him will be watching with interest.

Source: RFI
A couple of Guinean origin is to stand trial for female circumcision in France on Tuesday. Although they were put under control of court in 2005 when their two elder daughters were found to have undergone female genital mutilation, their two younger daughters were later found to have suffered the same fate.

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