Source: AllAfrica

When studying law, mock trials or moot court competitions are an exciting and challenging way to put the legal theory that you have learnt into practice. In my final year of study towards a Bachelor of Law at a university in Kenya I was lucky enough to participate in a trial competition at The Hague in the Netherlands.

Source: AUMagazine
Through a photodocumentary and a non-profit, Cameras4Change, Cate Cameron employs photography as a means of empowerment

Source: USA Today
Some charge that the document's wording, drafted by Islamists, leaves room for discriminatory interpretations. Egyptian women worry that the new Islamist constitution will allow judges to enforce abusive practices against women, even approving marriages of girls as young as 9, and some are organizing to protect their rights.

Source: AngolaPress
The secretary general of the ruling MPLA party's women wing (OMA), Luzia Inglês Van-Dúnem Inga, Friday in Luanda reaffirmed the organisation's commitment to defend the rights of women and increase their participation in decision making organs.

Source: UNESCO
In order to integrate gender perspectives into policies and contents of Moroccan public service broadcasters, UNESCO’s Office in Rabat is organizing a workshop for the adaptation of Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) to Moroccan context. The workshop will be held in Rabat on 14 and 15 January 2013.

Source: New York Times

THIRTY-TWO years ago, when I was 17 and living in Bombay, I was gang raped and nearly killed. Three years later, outraged at the silence and misconceptions around rape, I wrote a fiery essay under my own name describing my experience for an Indian women’s magazine.

Source: AllAfrica
President Goodluck Jonathan pledged, yesterday that until the expiration of his tenure, he would continue to work towards the economic and political empowerment of Nigerian women.

Source: AllAfrica
Bishop-elect Margaret Brenda Vertue, Senior Priest and Vicar General of the Anglican Diocese of False Bay will be consecrated and enthroned as the second Bishop of the Diocese of False Bay and the second woman, after the Right Revd Ellinah Wamukoya, Bishop of Swaziland; on Saturday, 19 January at 10:30 at the University of Stellenboschs' DF Malan Centre.

Source: UN News Centre
Millions of domestic workers around the world are not protected under general labour laws and are highly vulnerable to exploitation, says a United Nations report released today, which calls on countries to extend social protection to them.

Source: The New York Times
“Women issues are world issues,” Michelle Bachelet, the executive director of U.N. Women and former president of Chile, said recently. “Today there is greater awareness than ever before that women’s full participation is essential for peace, democracy and sustainable development.”

Source: UN WOMEN
“The rebels were just at the corner and watching me,” recalls one young Malian girl. “When I came out, they forced me in their vehicle and chained my two arms. They were four in the vehicle and they took me to a dark area. Three other girls were also there. They raped us during two nights and each time they came in groups of three, four and sometimes five.”

Source: Economic Times
A dress code for women will not create a safer society: not for women, not even for men, and definitely not for children. Restricting women's freedom and mobility will not reduce crime against them. It will marginalise women further, tilt the balance of power further in favour of men and weaken the society.

Source: IRIN
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde urged Malawians to stick with tough economic reforms during a recent three-day visit to the country, but measures recommended by the Fund and implemented by President Joyce Banda have been deeply unpopular with many citizens who can no longer afford basic goods and services.

Source: AllAfrica

The United Nations official dealing with conflict-related sexual violence today welcomed the Security Council's imposition of sanctions on two armed groups active in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and 23 March Movement (M23).

Source: The Independent

The government of Uganda recently directed the Chinese embassy not to give out travel permits to Ugandan women under the age of 35 intending to travel to China for business. The directive came at a time amid reports that some women end up into prostitution instead of real business.

Source: Observer

Nine candidates, one of them a Kenyan ambassador, have been nominated for the post of World Trade Organisation (WTO) Director-General.The candidates nominated by their respective governments, include three women and six men.

Source: UN News CEntre
The United Nations official dealing with conflict-related sexual violence today welcomed the Security Council’s imposition of sanctions on two armed groups active in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and 23 March Movement (M23).

Source: United Nations
From the ratification of a United Nations convention on domestic worker rights to landmark laws on harassment to the conviction of a former president for war crimes, this timeline is a snapshot of some of the gender equality achievements in 2012.

Source: AllAfrica
Women and girls run the risk of being left behind in scientific and technological fields if countries do not put measures in place to address discrimination and change traditional attitudes, the United Nations said today, warning that this gap constitutes an obstacle to nations' progress. 

Source: AllAfrica
Human Rights and Transitional Justice Minister Samir Dilou received, on Monday in Tunis, a delegation of the United Nations Working group in charge of the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice. 

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