Source: The News
The Executive Director of the Dr. Roz's Healing Place says over 90% of Liberian women are victims of rape and Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV). Dr. Roz's Healing Place is an international non-religious organization based in Canada.

Source: UN Radio
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday made a fresh call for investment in girls' education around the world. Mr. Ban spoke at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. at a high level meeting of the Global Education First Initiative launched in September 2012.

Source: Daily News Egypt
A group of human rights groups formed a coalition on Tuesday aiming to crack down on unjust practices in Egypt’s schools.

Source: New Vision
Workers under their umbrella body, National Association of Trade Unions (NOTU) have described the controversial Marriage and Divorce Bill 2009 as being Western-oriented. The group argued that the piece of legislation looks to destroy the marriage and family systems in Uganda. Mudirikat Mukasa, a NOTU member, said that the bill is poorly packaged and that "it was brought with an ill-intention of killing African cultures."

Source: New Dawn
The Integrated Intensive Gender Empowerment Project conceived by Center for Media Studies and Peace-building, CEMESP was last weekend climaxed by a graduation ceremony in Bong County. Keenan Institute, the partner of CEMESP to train the women in diverse vocational skills hosted the graduation ceremony at Goll Farm, Suakoko District in Bong County, Saturday 20th April 2013.

Source: The Chronicle
The reigning Miss Universe Ghana, Gifty Oforon on Friday, April 12, embarked on a reading and colouring exercise at the Adamorebe Anglican Basic School, off the Oyibi Road, in the Greater Accra Region. As part of the exercise, the beauty queen donated books, pencils, erasers and sharpeners to the KG 1 and KG 2 pupils.

Source: Namibian
In a country where violence against women and children has reached alarming levels, a group of young people have done what many others wouldn't ever dare to do.These young people embarked on a climb of the highest peak in Namibia, Brandberg in an effort to raise awareness of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and find solutions to help end it.

Source: UN News
With women projected to comprise a majority of the world’s urban dwellers and head increasing numbers of households, gender equality in employment, housing, health and education is vital to ensure the prosperity of the cities of the future, according to a new United Nations study.

Source: The Citizen

More than 2,000 Maasai women are taking a bold political stand in a move aimed at protecting community land rights. From March 27 until April 7, the women gathered in Magaiduru Village, one of the nine villages in Loliondo Division that has recently been declared by the government as a wildlife corridor, essentially prohibiting any use by local communities.

SourceSudan Tribune

This policy brief tries to underline the importance of women in our society and in particular their role in the journey of nation building whether in the government or outside. Yet, there are many challenges facing them in their evolution to the surface of nation building specifically the prevailing exclusion or limited participation of women in politics and governance.

Source: The New Republic
The man accused of sexually abusing Liberian girls as low as age 7, 9 and above has been charged by the Liberian National Police and subsequently forwarded to the Monrovia City Court for prosecution.

Source: TNA

Women leaders in Parliament have called on female MPs to influence decisions on the adoption of tough policy measures to curb gender-based violence.

Source: Daily News

PROMOTION of gender equality, equity and women empowerment is one of the priorities of the government of Tanzania. In this regard, it has taken various measures to address gender inequality and ensure women empowerment in all spheres of life.

Source: Premium Times

Nigeria’s former minister, and a former World Bank Vice President for African Region, Oby Ezekwesili, has called for economic empowerment of women in Nigeria for national development.

Source: The Guardian
Last month the UK Department for International Development (DfID) announced that £35m would be provided to help eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) in Africa and elsewhere. This is a clear indication that the UK is committed to ending violence against women and girls (VAWG), in line with the eradication of extreme economic inequality. This also reflects the high-level panel's aim of ensuring that wealthier countries play a direct role in benefitting

Source: IPS
In the Hamarweyne market, Mogadishu’s largest, 24-year-old Maryama Yunis is finding success with her tiny cosmetic store. The young Somali entrepreneur has been in business for two years, selling everything from soaps and shampoos to lipsticks and eyeliners, and now she’s turning a decent profit.

Source: Aswat Masriya
The U.S. department of state issued on Friday its annual report on human rights practices, saying that Egypt's transition to democracy continued to be beset by political turmoil.

Source: The New Times
The President and founder of Femmes Afrique Solidarite (FAS) Bineta Diop has commended Rwandan women for their role in peace and security in the country as well as the region.

Source: IPP Media
The African Women's Entrepreneurship Programme (AWEP) is seeking grounds of creating conducive environment for Tanzania business women to cope with the challenges in global economy. An official from AWEP's organisation said here on Friday that the move aims to promote long-standing trade relations and business activities with the US government.

Source: Biz-Community
While there are many cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), most of them are not being reported which makes it difficult for government to intervene and end the scourge.This was a concern raised by Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises, Bulelani Magwanishe, during his visit to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan, where he visited various communities as part of an Anti-Rape campaign.

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