Source: Gender Links
Meseru — The recent judgement passed by Lesotho’s Constitutional Court denying Senate Masupha’s succession to chieftainship has taken the country on a complete U-turn from the direction it was heading in achieving gender equality and non-discrimination against women. Masupha, along with her legal team and other organisations in support of her case intend to appeal the ruling.

Source: Capital FM
"Mum am I going to die" is the question that often accompanies that phenomenal moment when a young girl finds blood on her panty. Then the awkward moment where the mother has to explain a topic she avoided for years follows.

Source: New Vision
Women leaders from the EAC holding national, regional and international offices as well as selected male political leaders are in Kigali attending the 3rd EAC dialogue on political integration.

Source: Manica Post
GENDER equality in education is a primary concern of the World Declaration on Education for All. Yet a significant number of girls who enter primary, secondary or higher education do not succeed in completing their studies. Many of them fail, are dismissed or drop out because of various problems they encounter.

Source: IPS
It is swerves and roundabouts for Keddy Olanya, a 32-year-old wife and mother of three from Gulu, northern Uganda, who is one of only a handful of female drivers negotiating the country's potholed roads on a bodaboda or motorbike taxi.

Source: FrontPageAfrica
The case of Ruth Berry Peal has prompted renewed calls from anti-FGC activists for the Liberian government to join that 24 other African countries that have passed laws that specifically make female genital cutting illegal. No such law exists in Liberia at present, prompting lawyers acting on behalf of clients like Berry Peal to pursue other charges such as kidnapping and felonious restraint.

Source: Vanguard
IN reaffirmation of the centrality of women's health to human development, the death of a woman from maternal causes is to become a reportable occurrence in Nigeria. Currently, Nigeria has an average maternal death rate of over 600 dealths per 100,000 live births.

Source: IPS
U.N.-commissioned high-level panel of eminent persons, led by three world leaders, has moved the goal posts for the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger: from the current 2015 deadline to a new targeted date of 2030.

Source: IPS
“Many hospitals and health centres” that are not run by NGOs “do not meet health standards,” according to Dominique Baabo, provincial medical inspector for North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Source: UN Radio
Africa has achieved great progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but millions of Africans still lack jobs, health care and food. And, too many suffer in conflicts.

 Source: Ghana Broacasting Corporation
The importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women in driving development in Africa will be the focus of a high-level panel moderated by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) on Sunday.

Source: Ghana Broacasting Corporation
The importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women in driving development in Africa will be the focus of a high-level panel moderated by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) on Sunday.

Source: New Times
President Paul Kagame has urged African nations to redefine gender equality as a societal responsibility and not simply women's issues. The President made the remarks at the weekend while addressing a thematic session on "Driving African Development through Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment" at the fifth Tokyo International Conference for African Development (Ticad).

Source: New Times
A woman in labour shouldn't see the second sunrise. That is an attention-grabbing quote from Dr Tekle G. Egiziabher, an obstetrician and gynecologist committed to helping women suffering from fistula.

Source: The Star
There is optimism in Kenya after the assumption of office by President H.E Uhuru Kenyatta and the Deputy President William Ruto. The positive story is backed by a comprehensive Jubilee manifesto, progressive constitution and the country's Vision 2030, what remains is the heavy task of implementation.

Source: Malawi News Agency
Mchinji police officers on Saturday promised to fight Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the district with dedication and professionalism. The officers said this during a day long workshop on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) project organized by the district social welfare office.

Source: BBC
Burundi FA president Lydia Nsekera has been elected as the first woman to Fifa's powerful executive committee  in the governing body's 109-year history.

Source: IPS
Liberian journalist Mae Azango says she spent a year living "like a bat, going from tree to tree" with her daughter in order to escape religious fanatics who were threatening to kill her for exposing the practice of female genital mutilation in her home country last year.

Source: The New Republic Liberia (Monrovia)
On the second day of Women Deliver 2013, the largest conference on girls and women of the decade, global leaders announced progress and new commitments toward expanding contraceptive access for women in developing countries. They also outlined plans for sustaining this momentum in the years to come.

Source: IPS
Goma — "Many hospitals and health centres" that are not run by NGOs "do not meet health standards," according to Dominique Baabo, provincial medical inspector for North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

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