Source: New Vision 
The African Union came up with 2010-2020 the African Women’s Decade and one of the themes is aiming at promoting maternal health. And the purpose is to help in promoting the reproductive rights of women and creating awareness on maternal health.

Source: AllAfrica

The much-awaited voting on recommendations of the Senate Committee on the Review of the Constitution took place Tuesday with the parliament throwing out the recommendation of a six-year single term for the president and governors.

Source: AllAfrica
THE Federal Government has said the Community Services Women and Youth Employment, CSWYE, project of Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme, SURE-P, has created no fewer than 21,000 job opportunities in the North-West Geo-political zone of the country.

Source: AllAfrica
Zanzibar — THE Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Mr Ali Juma Shamuhuna, has said that 18 adolescent pregnancies were recorded in Zanzibar schools last year (2012/13).

Source: AllAfrica
Because of the many educational barriers faced by a typical girl child in Africa, it seems that promoting girl child education using technology in Africa is currently more of a fantasy than a day-to-day reality.

Source: IPS
Despite the United Nations' "zero tolerance" policy against sexual violence, there has been a rash of gender-based crimes in several of the world's conflict zones,

Source: Alert Net
Nairobi — Kenya's dire maternal death rate may finally fall thanks to the introduction last month of free maternity services for women, with some hospitals reporting a 50 percent increase in deliveries.

Source: Women's WorldWideWeb
Maternal mortality is, even in the 21st century, one of the world’s major health threats:  every 24 hours, approximately 800 women die as a result of (often entirely treatable) complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Source: Rwanda Ministry of Defence
Participants to the Command Post Exercise (CPX) codenamed "Africa Unite" Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in a group photo with Officials after opening ceremony, Kigali.

Source: The Boston Globe
Physical or sexual violence is a serious public health problem that affects more than one third of all women globally, according to a new report by the World Health Organization.

Source: Alert Net
In Kenya, 82 percent of midwives correctly diagnose their patient's condition but only 28 percent give the full treatment required, the World Bank said on Friday, highlighting the challenge of reducing maternal deaths in the country despite the introduction of free maternal health services last month.

Source: Cultural Diplomacy in Africa
Between May 27th and June 1st 2013, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin held a Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy and Human Rights “Towards a Global Human Rights Culture: The Need for a Collective Alliance in the Protection & Promotion of Human Rights”.

President Kagame has said that in Rwanda, ending violence against women and girls is a moral duty, a legal obligation and a definition of who Rwandans are as a nation

Source: Irish Times
Imagine starting a country from scratch. That’s what it feels like everyone is doing in Sierra Leone, a country now 10 years out of a civil war, but still struggling to restore infrastructure to pre-war levels.

Source: AllAffrica

Lilongwe — President Dr. Joyce Banda has called on non-governmental organization to help the country in fighting against gender based violence.

Source: Pambazuka
On 11 July 2013, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women (the Protocol) turns 10.

Source: Iol News
Throughout the world, boxing is a dance that is common to all people. And despite the pains and injuries that are associated with it, it still has that great entertainment value.

Source: AllAfrica
Today, July 11, Uganda joins the rest of the world to mark the world population day under the theme: "Invest in preventing teenage pregnancy; Let Girls be Girls". Teenage pregnancy continues to be prevalent in Uganda.

Source: AllAfrica
The vice president and minister of Women's Affairs has underscored the need for more investment in adolescent girls for their own sake, stressing that educated and healthy girls will have the opportunity to reach their full potentials and have their human rights.

Source: Voice of America
Thursday, July 11, is World Population Day and the focus this year is on adolescent pregnancy. It’s estimated that 16 million teenage girls give birth every year. Many are in African or other developing countries.

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