Source: The Star
Deputy President William Ruto’s wife, Rachel, has asked women to speak with one voice and participate in groups that promote their empowerment.

Source: The Herald
WITH only a few days to go before the year comes to an end, different societies, communities and individuals across Zimbabwe and elsewhere have started taking stock of their achievements during the course of the year. In the same vein, they are also assessing the challenges they came across, huddles they could not overcome and pitfalls that came their way while trying to forge ahead.

Source: The Point
Domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, occurs when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and control the other person. Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.

Source: How We Made It in Africa
More African women are becoming active participants in business as entrepreneurs and leaders in the corporate world. Dr Susan Mboya-Kidero is one of Kenya’s leading women in the corporate world. Mboya is president of The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and Coca-Cola’s Group director for Women’s Economic Empowerment for Eurasia and Africa.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundations
Lozwi Longinai was preparing for her wedding day last month in northern Lingate village, but at the last minute her groom changed his mind after realising that his 18-year-old fiancée had not been circumcised.

Source: FrontPageAfrica
Women participation and inclusion in politics and public offices have been the leading controversy for the decades. Liberia has been no exception to this global phenomenon. The country to some considerable degree has subscribed to women inclusion in major decision making processes in various national institutions.

Source: Media Fundation in West Africa
The already low level of women's participation in public discourse seems to be getting worse. The latest report from the Media Foundation for West Africa's gender-monitoring project has revealed that women's participation in media discourse in the month of November has gone down. Comparing the findings to that of the preceding month (October 2013), the report shows that women's participation in media discourse reduced by 6%.

Source: The Point
The Youth Alliance-The Gambia, in collaboration with the Gambia College Press Union, yesterday organised a debate and drama on gender-based violence on the theme: "From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World: Let's challenge Militarism and end Violence against Women".

Source: Voice of America
Analysts estimate women farmers produce about 90 percent of the food in Africa. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization adds that two-thirds of African women find jobs in agriculture. Leaders of organizations that advocate on behalf of African women farmers met here to develop ways of making agriculture more profitable for them.

Source: The Point
The seemingly unending reports of violence against women in our society will soon be a thing of the past, if the new Domestic Violence Bill 2013 passed by the National Assembly on Tuesday is anything to go by.

Source: The Star
FORMER Prime Minister's wife, Ida Odinga has asked expectant mothers in Nyanza region deliver their babies in health facilities. She said this will reverse the high infant and maternal mortalities.

Source: Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Madiba is easy to praise. His compassion, reconciliatory nature and generosity inspired the world in 1994 and will continue to inspire people. Yet today South Africa is not as equal as it should be. And the inequality is felt most acutely by women. Many women feel cheated. They were part of the struggle, too.

Source: Trust
Lozwi Longinai was preparing for her wedding day last month in northern Lingate village, but at the last minute her groom changed his mind after realising that his 18-year-old fiancée had not been circumcised.

Source: IRIN
Efforts to reduce violence against women in Madagascar  are coming up against the economic realities and social norms lived by the majority of women in the country. While police have been trained to help women press charges against violent partners, many women still have trouble speaking out about abuse. 

Source: Daily Trust
Inspired by the first woman mechanic in Nigeria Sandra Aguebor-Ekperuoh, several young girls from different parts of the country are trooping into Kaduna to make a career in auto mechanics. Weekly Trust reports

Source: Tanzania Daily News
A SPECIAL programme to speed up the hearing of children and women's abuses by courts of law is in the offing to ease the backlog of cases pending at different levels of the judiciary.

Source: The Star
Seven parents and a circumciser have been arrested in Ywalateke village, West Pokot county for circumcising six girls. Speaking to the press at Chepareria Subcounty Hospital where the girls are receiving treatment, area chief Jacob Lemutukei said the suspects were arrested after a tip-off from the public.

Source: United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur
More than 50 women leaders from various civil society groups, non-governmental organizations, the State Legislative Council along with local Government representatives and UNAMID officials participated in the open-day session on the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325.

Source: IRIN
Nomsa*, 20, was on her way to register at a university outside Pretoria, South Africa, with four friends when the men grabbed her. "I was fighting with them," she said. They dragged her into a building, where the five of them took turns to rape her. The friends ran away and did not come back to look for her. The men took Nomsa's mobile phone.

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