Source: The Herald
Several studies have concluded that female politicians are likely to focus on issues that affect women more than any other social category. Some of the issues the studies put forward are to do with gender equality, sexual reproductive health rights and the general upkeep of women.

Source: Leadership
An early morning down-pour which elicited happiness amongst residents of Onabanjo Street, Oworonshoki, Lagos State, who considered it a reprieve after many weeks of intense heat, resulted in tragedy when a 11KVA high-tension wire fell, electrocuting a pregnant woman and five others, at about 2am.

Source: IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis
Kisumu — While the death of a mother during childbirth has obvious emotional and personal implications, a new study in Kenya that quantifies the precise economic burden on households has found that it can be debilitating for a family and push them into poverty.

Source: The New Times
As a result of Governance and legal framework, gender equality has been illustrated by the development of national frameworks and mechanisms including, the constitution, the Vision 2020, Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS), the National Gender Policy and Decentralisation Policy.

Pretoria — South Africa has many milestones worth celebrating in its journey to achieving gender equality in the past 20 years, says the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
BAHI District Commissioner (DC), Ms Betty Mkwasa, has called for regular cervical cancer check-up as more than 250,000 women die annually from the disease.

Source: The Guardian
Progress towards 20-year-old targets that sought to put women's sexual and reproductive health and rights at the centre of development policy will be assessed at a UN meeting in New York this week.

Source: AWOKO
A seven member delegation comprises of six women and a man from the Solidarity for African Women's Right (SOAWR) are in the country on a follow-up mission towards the ratification of the Maputo Protocol-African Charter on Human and People's Rights on the Rights of women and children.

Source: The Point
TANGO the association of non-governmental organizations in The Gambia is holding another policy dialogue, this time "on the particular issue of women's access to productive resources: knowledge, skills, land, credit, production, storage and market facilities".

Source: Thoman Reuters Foundation
Rwanda has made progress in tackling gender inequality over the past 20 years, but women still lag behind in traditionally male-dominated fields like science and business, and violence against women remains a challenge, a campaigner said.

Eritrean Women in Agribusiness Association (EWAA) held a conference at National Chamber of Commerce Hall over the past 2 days and scrutinized its growth and organizational capacity.

Source: This Day Live
A delegate, Lucy Offiom Tuesday added her voice to the call by a fellow woman that rapists should be castrated as a price for their conduct.

Source: This Day Live
Leymah Gbowee is a woman, a Liberian, who has stared down the barrel of a smoking gun and had the guts to demand her rights as a human being.

Source: Inter Press Agency
The countdown to the Gambia's 2016 general elections has begun with a rare move to bring together female politicians from across the divided political spectrum to ensure increased female representation.

Source: Inter Press Service
Dressed in a white dress with black polka dots and pink and red carnations, white knee-high socks and matching patent shoes, Babirye recently celebrated her second birthday.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
A Study in Zanzibar has proved that accessing legal remedy becomes difficult to many victims of gender violence from poor families.

Source: New Zimbabwe
Thousands of women in Mashonaland West's Chinhoyi town have been left with the difficult choice of declining sex or simply risk unwanted pregnancies, amid reports of shortages on contraceptive pills during weekends.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Safina Kombo (75) is a woman who lives in Butiama District, Mara Region. This old lady fears for her life, because brutal killings of women in her area have become rampant to the point of forcing older women to seek refuge in safer areas.

Source: Daily Trust
Abuja natives under the aegis of Original Inhabitants Development Association of Abuja (OIDA) have faulted the Minster of the Federal Capital Territory, Senator Bala Mohammed, over what they described as undemocratic behaviour and practices following his recent warning to traditional rulers against unlawful protest in the territory.

Source: Front Page Africa
Monrovia — The fight against drugs in Liberia is taking a more serious trend with the indictment of a Ugandan woman for drug trafficking.

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