Source: Project Syndicate
MAPUTO – Sub-Saharan Africa's economies have boomed in recent years. But the headline figures often mask longer-term problems – not least, an over-reliance on natural resources and chronic inequalities. Inclusive, sustainable growth is achievable, but only by tapping the continent's greatest reserve of energy and creativity: African women and girls.

Source: African Development Bank Group
The African Development Bank Group joined the international community in celebrating the World Food Day in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, on Thursday, October 16 on the theme, "Investing in Women and Youth is Key to Feeding Africa."

Source:BBC News
Nigeria's military says it has agreed a truce with Islamist militant group Boko Haram - and says the schoolgirls the group has abducted will be released.

Source: Nehanda Radio
As we inch towards the 2018 elections, the country looks poised to seeing some women names on the ballot as candidates for the country's highest office — the presidency — in an apparent wave of the feminisation of political leadership.

Source: Foreign Policy In Focus
The Ebola crisis has highlighted the need for much deeper investment in the health, education, and empowerment of women and girls in West Africa.

Source: United Nations Population Fund
UNITED NATIONS, New York — As the world intensifies its response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, the needs of pregnant women must be addressed urgently to save the lives of mothers and infants, warns UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.

Source: The Independent
Well-meaning rhetoric on women's rights is not being matched by meaningful action, with girls suffering the "double jeopardy" of being young and female, according to a new report.

Source: Human Rights Watch
Sudanese security forces apparently think they can intimidate Darfuri students by beating them up and throwing them out of their dorms. There is no justification for treating students that way.
"Daniel Bekele, Africa director

Source: UN Newc Centre
Rural women are key agents for achieving the transformational economic, environmental and social changes required for sustainable development, the United Nations declared ahead of the International Day commemorated as an opportunity to promote their empowerment.

Source: The Star
THE Catholic Church has opposed a tetanus vaccination campaign scheduled to start next week that targets women between the ages of 19-49 years, claiming it is a secret government plan to sterilise women and control population growth.

Source: Sudan Vision Daily
Gender inequality is one of the most important structural and root causes of Africa missing its Millennium Development Goals on poverty reduction and other development targets. Structural barriers and social norms continue to limit women’s potential to contribute to Africa’s economic growth and sustainable development. Women’s economic and social empowerment should be placed at the centre of strategies toward building cohesive and dynamic economies.

Source: Star Africa
Malawi has launched the first-ever report on human rights violations on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the country, APA learns here Tuesday.

Source: Women News Network
Writing about the global situation that continues to plague millions of girls worldwide, Program Director Ms. Efua Dorkenoo with the launch of The Girl Generation: Together To End FGM shares her belief that Female Genital Mutilationcan be completely and fully eradicated around the globe within one generation.

Source: Ventures Africa
The African Women Championships kicked off in Namibia yesterday as eight of the best female national football teams take on each other to compete for a place at the FIFA women’s World Cup in Canada next year.

Source: Leadership
Gov. Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta, has urged pregnant women in rural areas to access the free modern maternal healthcare provided by the state government.

Source: The Voice
Kudirat Abiola, who became leader of the country's pro-democracy movement after her husband MKO Abiola was jailed, was assassinated for her activism

Source: The Guardian
The country's new constitution is a great milestone, but it still has to be implemented – a challenge that also remains elsewhere

Tanzanian women have until now had to rely on tenuous rights to land to feed themselves and their families.
In a milestone for Tanzania, the country's proposed new constitution provides women with equal rights to own and use land.

Source: Algeria Press Service
The speaker of the Council of the Nation (Upper House of parliament) Abdelkader Bensalah underlined Monday in Geneva at the 131st Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly, which is being held from 12 to 16 October, Algeria's achievements regarding the promotion of women and fight against violence against women.

Source: Voice of America
Women and children in South Sudan have been the victims of horrific sexual violence since the country plunged into conflict 10 months ago, the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura, said after a week-long visit.

Source: The Guardian
Women are not only more likely to be infected; their education, healthcare, food security and livelihoods are also suffering

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