Source: The New Dawn 
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to meet U.S. President Barrack Obama at the White House in Washington D.C. this Friday February 27, as both leaders look forward to a stronger cooperation at this critical time.

Source: Dabanga Sudan 
Two young women were arrested in El Gezira state on 11 February, on charges of violating the the Public Order by wearing trousers. 

Source: Nyasa Times 
Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion (COPUA) has persuaded Members of Parliament from Legal Affairs Committee on the need to reform the abortion law in the country to ensure that no woman dies from unsafe abortion. 

Source: The New Times 
Technical and vocational skills are essential for any country to achieve sustainable development, Hope Tumukunde, the City of Kigali vice-mayor, has said.

Source: openDemocracy 
The past four World Conferences on Women have galvanized activism and strengthened women's movement building. Now is the time to assess and rethink the decision not to convene a 5th global gathering of women. 

Source: Girls Not Brides
Alile was only 14 when her ordeal began in Malawi one afternoon in 2011. She was taken to a house and repeatedly raped by two men before being held captive overnight.

Source: The Guardian
Refuges have insufficient beds to meet demand and specialist domestic services are being closed as responsibilty for vulnerable women and girls is handed over to the private sector

Source: New Vision
A top official with the women's council has decried the recent spike in pornographic acts in the country, warning that such acts only taint the image and dignity of women.

Source: The Hindu
A bike rally was organised in the city on Sunday to spread awareness about gender-biased sex selection. The rally saw participation of 75 male bikers and 25 female bikers and was flagged off from Qutub Institutional Area and made its way via Punjabi Bagh to Rothak.

Source: The Guardian
The new census listing women killed by men aims to shed light on a dark subject. But femicide will not stop until we change the culture that supports it.

Source: Global Post
Africa's scientific conference kicked off in Nairobi on Wednesday with Kenya calling on the continent to embrace information technology (IT) to solve myriad problems in the health sector.

Source: Coast Week
Authorities in Tanzania and their development partners have signed a new commitment aimed at intensifying efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage in the country.

Source: Daily Independent
Musicians in two African nations are joining forces with Ipas and other reproductive rights advocates to raise awareness about the dangers of unsafe abortion. In Malawi, the Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion (COPUA) collaborated with 11 Malawian musical artists to produce Amayi Akuferanji, an album of reggae, hip-hop and songs from other musical genres highlighting the need for women's access to safe, legal abortion care.

Source: Ventures
Nigeria-born Ghanaian software engineer Farida Bedwei may be the Definition of a Miracle, as her vaguely autobiographical novel suggests, but her success is a testament to hard work and resolve.

Source: New York Times
I am a 47-year-old Egyptian woman. And I am among the fortunate few of my countrywomen whose genitals have not been cut in the name of "purity" and the control of our sexuality.

Source: The News
The visiting Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation has said violence against Liberian women and girls must stop. Madam Isabela Lovren said Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) against women and girls is a huge challenge that must be addressed by the Liberian government and partners.

Source: The Star
On Tuesday in Nairobi, President Uhuru Kenyatta,a passionate advocate for the advancement of youth and empowerment of young people, presided over the launch of the Global All In! Campaign, a partnership aimed at consolidating efforts against HIV-Aids among adolescents.

Source: RH Reality Check
Women in Africa have a clear right to abortion—on paper, that is. In 2003, the African Union adopted the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. In doing so, its charter became the only human rights treaty in the world to explicitly outline the right to abortion care. However, although 54 member states of the African Union adopted the protocol and 36 have ratified it, the majority of these governments have done very little to enact reproductive health-care provisions in practice.

Source: The Herald
This is the fifth in a series of articles analysing regional progress on gender equality and women's empowerment. The Sadc Gender Protocol sought to ensure equal participation among women and men in productive resources and employment by 2015. To this end, Sadc member states committed to ensure equal participation, of women and men, in policy formulation and implementation of economic policies. They also pledged to ensure gender sensitive and responsive budgeting at the micro and macro levels, including tracking, monitoring and evaluation.

Source: Sudan Vision Daily
UN Women's South Africa Multi-Country Office has officially launched its Civil Society Advisory Group, which will use its expertise to advise UN Women on its work in South Africa.

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