Source: The Herald 
On May 15, 2016 Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day of Families under the theme: “Families, healthy lives and sustainable future”. The theme suggests that families are the custodians of a sustainable future but in order for them to successfully play this role, they have to be healthy.As each and every one of us is a member of a family, this year’s theme challenges us to reflect on whether or not we are playing our part in the families that we belong to ensure the health and well-being of other family members. In particular, whether or not we are making a positive contribution towards building a sustainable future for the young members of our families.

Source: AllAfrica
United Nations — When Lebogang Brenda Motsumi was 16 years old she fell pregnant, terrified about what her life would look like, she went to a backdoor clinic for an abortion.

The abortion failed, and she gave birth to a baby who later passed on.

Source: UN Women News
Following the signing of the Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, between August and September 2015, and since discussions around its implementation began at the National Women’s Peace Dialogue (November 2015); more than 500 women from all States of South Sudan have adopted a 7-point agenda on how to implement a gender-responsive peace agreement.

Source: Daily Monitor
Government and banking institutions have been urged to come up with policy interventions that will fully integrate women and youth in formal financial services.

Source: Thomson Reuters
The need to walk long distances to find water puts women and children at a higher risk of sexual abuse.

Source: Inter Press Service
When Lebogang Brenda Motsumi was 16  years old she fell pregnant, terrified about what her life would look like, she went to a backdoor clinic for an abortion.

Source: The South African
Researched by Liesl Pretorius

There is no evidence that teenage pregnancies in Africa are rising. Is the situation in South Africa any different?

Source: NATO
This is almost revolutionary!’ This was the reaction to the information that NATO is establishing a mechanism to secure sustained dialogue with civil society on its policy in pursuit of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

Source: Destiny Connect
The Global Slavery Index has released a report that found there are 248 700 modern slaves in South Africa

South Africa ranks in the top 50 in the index, sharing the 27th place with Trinidad and Tobago. The foundation examined practices such as forced labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, child exploitation and forced marriage.

Source: Destiny Connect
The Global Slavery Index has released a report that found there are 248 700 modern slaves in South Africa.

South Africa ranks in the top 50 in the index, sharing the 27th place with Trinidad and Tobago. The foundation examined practices such as forced labour, human trafficking, debt bondage, child exploitation and forced marriage.

Source: Ecologist
Sharing and saving seed is a crucial part of traditional farming all over Africa, writes Heidi Chow. Maybe that's why governments, backed by multinational seed companies, are imposing oppressive seed laws that attack the continent's main food producers and open the way to industrial agribusiness. But Ghana's women farmers are having none of it.

A team of savvy, African women entrepreneurs are leading a movement to empower women in the Diaspora to transform their ideas to profit—one business at a time. She Leads Africa (SLA) is a women’s social enterprise based in Nigeria, seeking to address challenges women on the continent face in creating, growing, and sustaining their businesses and professional services.

Source: News Deeply

Child marriage is often more harmful to the bride than the groom. Girls married young can experience a lifetime of limitations, including giving up school, being disinherited and being kept at home. They are also more likely to suffer domestic abuse and endure complications from childbirth, which can be especially damaging if they start young.

Source: Awoko

The Sierra Leone Social Marketing and Development Agency (SLaDA) together with it partners has on Thursday 26th May launched the Women Economic Empowerment Campaign on the theme ‘My Story, Your Inspiration’.

Source: WikiGender
The African Economic Outlook (AEO) 2016 produced by the OECD Development Centre, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) focuses on Africa’s urbanisation and structural transformation. To celebrate the launch of the African Economic Outlook 2016, Wikigender ( is organising an online discussion exploring the gender dynamics of Africa’s structural transformation.

Source: News Deeply
Mercy Willie, 39, comes home from a day’s work on the rubber plantation and heads straight to the kitchen. As a widowed, single mother in Grand Bassa County, Liberia, her work is never done: After tapping latex from hundreds of trees every day, she comes home to six children hungry for dinner.

Source: The Independent

Former president of Chad Hissene Habre has been found guilty of crimes against humanity, rape and sexual slavery.

Source: The Conversation

Sexual harassment is ubiquitous in higher education institutions around the world, and a large body of research suggests that women are its main victims. This is true for students and academics, who are experiencing sexual harassment from their superiors, their peers - and their students.

Source: BBC News
In Malawi a packet of sanitary towels can cost a whole day's pay, and girls often miss school because the cotton strips they use instead are inadequate. Charlotte Ashton met a woman in Blantyre who's come up with a solution.

SOURCE: OpenDemocracy 
Menstruation and menstrual hygiene are emerging as pivotal issues for gender equality, human rights and development.

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