Source: V-Day
V-Day and the Fondation Panzi (DRC), with support from UNICEF, announce today the opening of City of Joy, a revolutionary new community for women survivors of gender violence in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Source: Coastweek
Michelle Bachelet'S organization would be working on women equality and empowerment, economic empowerment, end violence against women and women's physical security

Source: AllAfrica
Tough measures to tackle gender-based violence are more important to South African women than government distribution of free sanitary pads, argues Glenda Muzenda.

Source: World Food Programme
A group of businesswomen in the Gbumbgum region of northeastern Ghana has found a route out of poverty through a product which their community badly needs—iodated salt. Iodine deficiency is rampant in Gbumbgum, where the swollen necks of people suffering from goitre are a common sight.

Source: United Nations Office On Drugs And Crimes
The first steps toward the establishment of a UN-led 'Small Grants Facility' for victims of human trafficking were taken today in a move aimed at strengthening on-the-ground assistance to survivors of this brutal crime. A public call will be made over the coming months through the UNODC website.

Source: The Zimbabwe Telegraph
Africa’s economic independence aspirations require more women participants to be involved in business ownership and entrepreneurship. Normally innovation drives entrepreneurship which starts first with the vision then the mission which leads to the creation of a business.

Source: The Inquirer
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has told her colleagues attending the African Union Summit that as they move into the 21st century it is necessary to make those "hard choices" needed to control their destiny and emancipate their people from the "shackles of domination and poverty."

Source: The Botswana Gazette
The debate over whether abortion should be allowed on-demand or not appears to be far from over. While some organizations and prominent individuals aggressively call for its legalization, others defend the status quo on moral grounds.

Days of calm were ripped apart on Wednesday in Egypt as the government of President Hosni Mubarak sent in plain clothed “thugs” to throw stones and attack peaceful demonstrators calling for his removal from power. The violence comes after United States President Barack Obama called for a peaceful transition of power in the country amidst 9 days of nationwide protests.

Source: All Africa
The PDP Presidential primaries have come and gone, leaving a question on the lips of many Nigerians if the participation of Nigerian women in politics is just mere lip service.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
On the final day of the two-day African Union (AU) Summit taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday called for greater efforts to reduce sexual violence, particularly during armed conflicts, reports (Barea, 1/31).

Source: UN News Center
 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations, particularly on peace and security issues in Sudan, Somalia and Côte d’Ivoire.

Source: MSF
When 600 women and children arrive suddenly and set up camp next to a town in northern Congo, an alert signal flashes in your brain,” says Azaad Alocco, MSF project coordinator in the town of Niangara, north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Source: MSF
The international emergency medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has provided specialised care to 53 women, men and children who were raped in a series of incidents that occurred between 19th January and 21st January in South Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Source: Angola Press
 The African women’s movement, Monday, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, submitted to the 16th African Union (AU) summit, a proposal related to maintaining an agenda with subject about women’s rights issues.

Source: UN News Center
Ban Ki-moon today lauded the launch of a website for the permanent memorial honouring the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, calling it an important step forward in making the memorial a reality at the United Nations Headquarters complex.

Source: United Nations Radio

A group of soldiers from the national army in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or DRC have been identified as possible culprits behind a rape and looting spree that took place on New Year's Day in the eastern town of Fizi in South Kivu province.

Source: United Nations Radio
An estimated 25,000 people from Cote d'Ivoire have crossed into neighbouring Liberia, and more than 600 continue to arrive every day, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

Source: World Food Program
Fifteen women leaders, including executives from Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Bank of America,  brainstormed on Friday about how to improve the food security of women in the developing world.Naturally, by talking about the food security of women they were also talking about the food security of millions of families in the developing world.

Source: UN Women
Through the tall gate, unremarkable from the street, is a place of refuge. Flowers spill along the paths that link a series of modest one-story buildings. The air is full of the sounds of laughter, music and dance, as today is a celebration of women’s survival and strength.

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