Source : Plus News
 Desperate and displaced, some Burundian women will do anything, including have unprotected sex for money, to escape the dreadful living conditions in the Bujumbura suburb of Sabe, where more than 480 families of internally displaced persons (IDPs) have lived for several years.

Source: UNHCR
Gender-based violence and the quality of health care and schooling were among the top concerns raised by refugee women in the latest round of UNHCR consultations that ended over the weekend in Zambia.

Source: IPS
For 12 years now, the women around Tsangano in Malawi's southern district of Ntcheu have put together their tomato harvest, selling some 20 tons at the outdoor markets that abound in Lilongwe, the capital. But they have very little to show for their hard work.

Source: Mail & Guardian
Boys are smarter than girls, scientists are nerds, and science is so hard that girls can't cope with it ...
These are among the gender myths the Academy of Science of South Africa (Assaf) wants to demolish. This week it launched a major advocacy programme to attract more girls into science and related fields.

Source: UNFPA
As a child growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo (then, Zaire), Yvette Mulongo regularly watched as neighbours and friends lost their mothers. She noticed the gaping hole left in families by the death of a mother.

Source: IRIN
The small 10m by 15m garden behind Agnes Oroma's house in northern Uganda's Gulu district is much more than a hobby garden; according to HIV-positive Oroma, it is one of the main reasons she is in good health.

Source: Alernet
Imagine you're a U.N. peacekeeper driving along a dirt road surrounded by dense forests on each side in the conflict-hit region of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Source: IRIN
 Violations of human rights are on the increase in northeastern Central African Republic (CAR), with aid workers expressing concern for protection of civilians amid renewed clashes between government troops and the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP) rebels - one of the few groups that has not signed a peace agreement with the government.

Source: BBC
The majority of Ethiopia's population live in rural areas and when they are ill many do not seek medical advice, but a new government programme hopes to change this at a local level.

Source: Pambazuka
The controversy over sexuality in Africa today rests essentially on the legality or acceptability of sexual practices that deviate from the norm.

Source: allAfrica
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has called for more women and black candidates to apply for judge vacancies.The JSC yesterday announced the names of candidates it had recommended to President Jacob Zuma for various vacant judge positions.

Source: Newsday
The Federation of African Media Women in Zimbabwe (FAMWZ) says there is lack of gender sensitivity in Zimbabwean media. FAMWZ said female media practitioners continued to be trampled upon, with very few women to date having managed to get into the higher echelons in the media fraternity.

Source: UN News Centre
Ongoing violence in the Middle East and North Africa, from Libya and Yemen to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, is taking a heavy toll on the lives of young people, the head of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said today, urging all parties to do more to ensure the protection of children in the region.

Source: Human Rights Watch
(Geneva) - Dozens of Ivorian refugee women and girls recently arrived in eastern Liberia say they have had to engage in sex to get adequate food, shelter, or money, Human Rights Watch said today.

Source: Campus Times
In October 2010, in Nairobi Kenya, the Decade of the African Woman was launched recognized by the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN), and supported by the Maputo Protocol Manifesto. The decade theme is a “grassroots approach to gender equality and women’s empowerment.”

Abuja — With the African fight for the implementation of affirmative action, it has been revealed that three hundred mining claims have been issued to women miners, with a total of 2,000 hectares from Guruve for gold claim.


WOMEN attending the international conference on economic and political empowerment and peace building in Harare have backed the quota system that enables them to take up decision making positions.Globally women have been living on the periphery of the political, economic and social landscape but with changing times they gradually began to claim their stake in the important positions in their respective countries. Speaking on political empowerment during a plenary session, at the on-going conference yesterday, Mrs Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, a gender activist, said many countries have increased women's participation in decision-making positions. This, she said, was done through implementation of the quota system.

SOURCE: Pambazuka
To what extent do South Africa's municipal participation mechanisms enable meaningful engagement in development planning and local governance by poor or marginalised women? What interventions or alternative approaches are required? This article finds a disconnect between women's experience and knowledge and state policy and programmatic responses. It proposes two, formally linked, strategies to address this problem: 1) the creation of women-only forums, supported by training, to enable women to develop recommendations; and 2) the input of those recommendations into formal participation structures and processes.

"I learnt that you need money or a business to generate enough income to be able to travel to town for regular check-ups and to collect antiretroviral drugs. We do not have these services at our village dispensary."

President Alpha Conde and the First Lady, Ms Djene Kaba Conde, will participate in this year's UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS. The announcement came during a two-day official visit by UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe to the West African nation of Guinea Conakry.

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