It has been argued that where women are fully represented, societies are more peaceful and stable. Women's political participation is fundamental for gender equality and their representation in positions of leadership must be a priority for all African governments. Women are largely under-represented in decision-making and leadership positions in Africa.
Over the last years, there has been more women in parliaments and decision-making positions than before. In the parliamentary elections of Rwanda in September 2013 women obtained 64 percent of the seats, which is the highest number in the world. However, women's participation in governmance and decision-making remain very limited. They are outnumbered by men in all decision-making and leadership positions.
In the history of Africa, there are now three women who have been elected president:
  • Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – President of the Republic of Liberia
  • Joyce Banda – President of the Republic of Malawi
  • Catherine Samba-Panza – Interim President of the Central African Republic

There is progress here and there on the continent regarding women's rights . We must go much further to ensure greater gender equality in Africa. It is not just a matter of justice....When women take their rightful place at the negotiating table, in the parliament and in leadership positions across society, we can unleash Africa’s enormous potential..." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

To learn more about women's political participation, please visit the following websites:

Source: Spy Ghana 
Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings, has expressed disappointment at the Member of Parliament for Daboya, Mr Nelson Baani, for making comments which threatened the human rights of women. 

Source: Xinhua
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon lamented here on Friday the "slow and unequal" rise of women in global politics at a high-level conference.

"There are many more women in the global political arena, but progress is very slow and unequal," Ban said at the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).

Source: Gender Links
Gender networks across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) urge the Council of Ministers to place the review of the SADC Gender Protocol high on the agenda of the 2015 Heads of State Summit.

Source: The Guardian Nigeria 
Lagos East senatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mrs. Olabisi Salis, in an interview with reporters during her campaign, spoke on her chances, PDP's prospect in Lagos and at the centre and the new 'unity' among women to give men a run for their money, among other issues. WOLE OYEBADE was there and reports 

Source: The New Dawn 
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is expected to meet U.S. President Barrack Obama at the White House in Washington D.C. this Friday February 27, as both leaders look forward to a stronger cooperation at this critical time.

Source: NPR 
Four hours. That's how much time physicist Rabia Salihu Sa'id has each day to get her research done at Bayero University in Kano, Nigeria.

"Each day, my university is giving me only four hours of electricity. I can't do research in four hours!" Sa'id says, laughing, despite her frustration.

Source: African Press Organization 
"Agricultural research and development in Mozambique is an important tool for increasing production, and consequently reducing household malnutrition and poverty, particularly in children and women," says Olivia Narciso Pedro, a lecturer and researcher at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique. "My vision for agriculture-led growth in Mozambique is to design alternatives to mitigate loss of genetic diversity, and ensure conservation of species, while improving household food security." 

Source: World Economic Forum
For far too long, women and girls in Africa have faced discrimination and inequalities in the workforce which have not only hurt them, but their families, communities and their countries as a whole. As we begin 2015, the African Union'sYear of Women's Empowerment, one thing is clear: we will not reduce poverty without working to achieve gender equality.

Source: THISDAY Live
The maiden edition of the Most Valuable Governor's Wife Award 2014 [MVGWA] that was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Abuja has come to promote democracy as beneficiaries voted for the award winning governors' wives in their states and across the country.

Source: Daily Independent 
Following the realisation that only a few young women between the ages of 18 to 35, participate actively in politics, a non-governmental group, Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC) last weekend organised a training on leadership for adolescent girls and women to further build their capacity in meeting the yearnings and aspirations of the times. 

Source: allAfrica 
President Beji Caid Essebsi received, Tuesday, a delegation of the Tunisian Association "Women and Leadership" led by its Chairwoman Sana Ghenima.

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