Gender Issues Showlist
Women, Peace & Security
UNSCR 1325 calls on all parties to: protect and respect the rights of women and girls in conflict & post-conflict; increase women participation in all conflict resolution, peacekeeping and peace-building & to end impunity by prosecuting perpetrators of sexual and other violence on women and girls
Human Rights of Women
Thirty six years after the adoption of CEDAW, many women and girls still do not have equal opportunities to realize rights recognized by law. Women are denied the right to own property or inherit land. They face social exclusion, “honor killings”, FGM, trafficking, restricted mobility, early marriage,...
Violence Against Women
Violence against women is the most shameful human rights violation. Gender based violence not only violates human rights, but also hampers productivity, reduces human capital and undermines economic growth. It is estimated that up to 70 per cent of women experience violence in their lifetime
Political Participation & Leadership
Where women are fully represented, societies are more peaceful and stable. Women political participation is fundamental for gender equality and their representation in positions of leadership must be a priority for all Africans governments.
Source: Make Every Woman Count (MEWC)
The year 2020 was marked by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a health crisis that has not only killed millions of people worldwide but has also had lasting social and economic consequences, especially for marginalised groups.
By: Haleemah Shajira
Across Northern Africa, there are various legalities and practices surrounding abortion access. The Maputo Protocol, which was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique in 2003, calls for women’s rights and girls’ rights. Countries are at varying stages of signing and ratifying the Maputo Protocol.
Feminist socialist, Micheline Ravololonarisoa is an expert activist and professional . Born and bred in Madagascar she left since 1974 after the student revolt of 1972. Move to different countries but essentially established herself with her family in Nairobi ,Kenya and then in the UK since 1991.
By Haleemah Shajira
Across Northern Africa, there are various legalities and practices surrounding abortion access. The Maputo Protocol, which was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique in 2003, calls for women’s rights and girls’ rights. Countries are at varying stages of signing and ratifying the Maputo Protocol.
Pastoralist Girls Initiative (PGI) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered with Kenya NGOs Co-ordination Board. The organization was founded in 2001 as a community based organization (CBO) with initial membership of 15 members drawn from former North Eastern Province of Kenya.
MEWC’s publications are perhaps our most important achievements. Our publications are meant to encourage discussion, challenge the status quo, and provide a new approach to gender issues in Africa.
Some of our publications are the first of its kind in the field, namely our publication report on the first year of the African Women’s Decade "African Women’s Decade: One Year On, which reviewed every African country in regards to progress made, or lack thereof, in the area of women’s rights.
This i sthe section for organisation
In the interview of the month MEWC aims to ask questions where the respondent can elaborate on issues regarding women’s present situation in Africa. The interview of the month also gives room for individuals who are doing important and varying work for women’s rights in Africa to express their ideas and answers to some of the pressing current issues.
At MEWC we believe that it is important to listen to different aspects and provide room for discussion, and so we post the interview on our home page to encourage debate. But perhaps most importantly, we strive to make the interview of the month a space where women who might otherwise not be heard, share their views.
The highlight of the month presents different initiatives taken by African women’s groups or initiatives that relate to African women taking place on local, national, regional and international levels. Our aim is to highlight an organization that is working for women’s rights and empowerment and is largely run by African women.
We hope to use the highlight section as both a good publicity tool for the organization being highlighted as well as a way for viewers to comment on the organization’s work, address their challenges and share successes. We hope to foster a community of African and international feminists alike and create a space to share successes, ideas and challenges.
This is the section for our community
The MEWC eNewsletter is an online publication released once a month. The newsletter aims to be a quick resource highlighting important and interesting developments in our six gender topics: Women, Peace and Security, Violence against Women, Political Participation & Leadership, Economic Empowerment, HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Rights, and Human Rights of Women.
Additionally, the newsletter provides information for upcoming events, featured resources, and our interview of the month. The typical readers of our eNewsletter are individuals who want to have the highlight of the month’s news at their fingertips in one document, for those who want a quick version of longer news articles, and for those who are interested in events and resources.
The main purpose of the Video of the Month is to provide a source of information and provide a perspective in another form than written text. It is also a way to show images from the real world where situations are displayed as they are. With videos information and perspectives becomes available in an alternative form, where pictures and audio provides the viewer with insights in the current situation for women in a particular location. To access a video is often easier and the combination with images can make it more real and understandable.
This is the section for MEWC's partner