In order to empower and bring forth the human rights of women it is important to have tools that match the purpose. In this section Make Every Woman count has gathered handouts and guides produced by various organisations and government entities.

These guides and handouts cover various aspects of human rights of women and can be used in a range of settings.

Source: FAO
Regional Response to Food Insecurity in Eastern and Central Africa

Source: Womankind
CEDAW is the international bill of rights for women. It is a valuable and practical tool for women's rights campaigners — providing a clear legal framework for women's rights worldwide. It can be used to lobby for stronger equality legislation at national and regional levels.

Source: UNESCO
This publication is one of the outputs of the Freedom of Information and Women's Rights in Africa Project, a regional programme launched by FEMNET in partnership with UNESCO.

Source: Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies
This glossary aims to contribute towards a general and clearer understanding of some of the frequently used terms and concepts in relation to gender.

Source: PeaceWomenProject
On October 31, 2000, the United Nations Security Council passed on Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and security.T

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