Source: The World Bank

This curriculum is prepared as a guide to FEMNETíS training of trainerís workshop. It is based on the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender Training workshop, which was organized for Anglophone countries of Uganda, Ghana and South Africa. A similar workshop is expected for the Francophone countries of Cameroon, Mali and Rwanda and Senegal.

The training programme targets civil society, governments and intergovernmental representatives involved in gender mainstreaming and/or in communicating this work to wider audiences. This training initiative seeks to re-build a team of gender trainers across the region.

Information in this guide is comprised of generic materials providing tools and skills for gender analysis and planning for gender responsive programmes. These materials have been tried and tested in

FEMNETís gender training activities in the region. Over the years FEMNET has trained NGOS, communities, government and UN agencies. Experience gained during these training activities has helped FEMNET to evolve a curriculum and a model for gender training in the region.

This package is designed as Training of Trainers Guide. Therefore it has regular gender training modules, as reflected in modules 1 to 4, while modules 5 and 6 are designed to offer practical training skills.

The training provides participants with information and skills to plan and develop gender responsive programmes and to mainstream gender in their programmes.

The curriculum should serve as a guide to gender trainers with extensive experience in gender training. It can also be useful to up-coming trainers.


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