2024 Theme: Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour!

This year's World Day will focus on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999, No. 182). It also presents an opportunity to remind all stakeholders to improve their implementation of the two fundamental Conventions on child labor - Convention No. 182 and Convention No. 138 concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment or Work (1973).

Although significant strides have been taken in reducing child labor over time, recent years have seen global trends reverse, underscoring the pressing need to unite efforts in expediting actions to eradicate child labor in all its manifestations.

With the adoption of Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7, the international community committed to the elimination of child labor in all its forms by 2025. 

Now is the time to make the elimination of child labor a reality!

This World Day Against Child Labour, June 12, 2024, we are calling for: