Source: Morocco World News
Several Moroccan women turned out for the protest against the arrest of two women in Inezgane, a suburb of the southern city of Agadir. The two women were arrested “gross indecency” for wearing “tight and immoral” clothes.

Women participating in the virtual protest posted pictures of themselves on social media wearing miniskirts to support the two women—hairdressers aged 23 and 29– whose trial has been set for July 16.

“Although I believe that online campaigns do not result in a significant impact, but I decided to participate in solidarity with the two victims, and also because I myself suffer from harassment when I wear short clothes,” one woman who participated in the campaign told news website Hespress.

“Wearing a skirt is not an offence against the society’s public morals and does not question its history and traditions,” another woman told the Arabic-speaking website. It is a component of identity and a symbol of femininity that has existed since ages.”

“What has changed is the way we look at women which must be changed because women are part of the process of building the country and not a subject of guardianship. Criminalizing the wearing of skirts will only lead to the legitimization of violence against women,” she added.

Three sit-ins are also expected to be held this week in Agadir, Rabat and Casablanca to denounce the trial of the two women.

Two Facebook pages have been created to support the ordeal of the two young women. In both of them, many Moroccan women share pictures of themselves wearing minis-skirts with the hash tag “mettre une robe n’est pas un crime (wearing a skirt is not crime).