Source: Daily Trust
The President, Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Dr Fred Achem has stressed the role of men in effective family planning practices in Nigeria.

"Men should have the interest of their families at heart by planning when they want to start a family and how many children they intend to have," Achem said in Abuja.

He said couples should visit specialists for information and advice in order to raise responsible families.

According to him, the dangers of not adopting any form of family planning practice from the family unit can result in unbridled population growth, which is not good for a developing country like Nigeria.

"Family planning practice nationwide will help in the country's economic development and will also aid proper planning by government, as well as reduce maternal mortality.''

The gynaecologist encouraged couples to attend post-partum clinics six weeks after delivery to help them know when to plan for the next child, as such would have effect on mother and child health.

"Children are treasured gifts and should be given the best chances, the future is for the strong and the healthy''.

Achem said government should also formulate a policy on free family planning commodity supplies to the nation, stating that a methodology for effective distribution across the country could be adopted.

He stated that bottlenecks arising from distribution of such commodities could be avoided if the Federal Government collaborated with the society.

"It is very important that family planning commodities get to every nook and cranny of the nation, as they are needed by the young and the old, and will help promote life, reduce promiscuity and reform sexual attitudes.''